Marsh marigold (Caltha palustris) is a European and North American plant of the buttercup family. It is one of the most ancient native plants and I am frankly not quite sure whether it originated in Europe or in the Americas. It may have been growing here since before the last Ice Age and, after the retreat of the icecaps, it proliferated across the watery landscape.  It is still mostly found in wet places such as creek banks and low lying areas. I say “mostly” because I’ve seen it in uphill and dry areas as well. I have them in a location that is likely much drier than they would like, but they are exposed to the harsh sun only part of the day, and they seem to be thriving even though the plants I have are still relatively small – some road crew had done some work on an embankment and marsh marigolds had been dug up, displaced and thrown by the wayside. I am hoping these rejects will thrive in their new home. The leaves are round and glossy and the plant has large buttercuplike bright yellow flowers. The tops are reputed to be toxic but with boiling become edible and are often eaten as greens while young; the flower buds have been pickled and used as capers, and the flowers have been used for beverages. Some individuals may develop a rash or skin irritation from touching the plant – I found out the hard way that I am one of those people. Marsh marigolds bloom in early spring and are done blooming by late spring.Â

What a difference a week makes... The same plant, in bloom, on April 21 2012
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