This is another poisonous beauty. I have already blogged about white baneberry. The two species have many similarities, and can easily be confused for one another. White baneberry has thicker stems. The red baneberry normally produces red fruit, but to complicate matters even more, I happen to have Actaea rubra neglecta in my woodland garden. Yep, you guessed it – this form produces white berries! The baneberry plants (white, red, or forma neglecta) may not be good garden candidates if you have children. Although the berries are horribly bitter tasting, there have been cases where children have ingested them, and died. Adults are not immune to the poison, but it will take a few more berries and I am assuming they would know better. Just something to be aware of. Birds on the other hand, aren’t affected at all. However, the berries are just spectacular to behold and that alone may be enough reason to add them to your garden.

"dolls eyes" of Actaea rubra forma neglecta July 3 2011
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